Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Kingdom of Swaziland

Goodbye Kruger Park.  Hello Swaziland.  In a million years who'd have thought they'd ever end up in a place called Swaziland?  Well, here we are in what may be one of the most beautiful places in the world.  A small country nearly completely encircled by South Africa,  we're surrounded by green fields and trees, smiling people and granite topped mountains.  By tradition the king of this country of about a million people is supposed to select a new wife each year.  He doesn't discard the previous ones, he just adds another to the family. The current king is suffering criticism from his people for not keeping up with tradition as he's selected only 13 wives so far, skipping the opportunity the last few years.

On the surface this is an idyllic place.  The people are relatively prosperous, unemployment is lower than South Africa, everyone we've met speak English and the crafts are superb.  (I suspect an international marketing consultant has visited and given advice on product design and display.)  Sadly, beneath the surface all is not well.  Education is free through 6th grade but families must supply the uniforms and some can't afford them.  People are sick with HIV/AIDS - fully 25% of the population is infected, the highest incidence rate in the world.  Many children are orphaned because one or both of their parents have died.  We shopped at a local food market this morning, then took the food to an orphanage where we prepared lunch for the children.  It was a moving experience.

Tomorrow Zululand and no Internet so we'll be out of touch for a couple days.

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